
Forgiveness Exercises

We often hear “forgive and forget”.  Three simple words, but the practise of doing this takes an immense amount of unconditional love and commitment to release ourselves of pain and allowing space for love to flow within us.  We can choose to forgive and in doing so we release the negative feelings that we have stored.  Can we forget, do we need to?  The experience has been part of our growth and development and has made us who we are today.

“Forgiveness cuts us free from the anchors of the past “ Rhonda Britten


Exercise 1:  Allowing forgiveness for those your feel have “wronged you”

Imagine the person that you want to forgive and put your hand on your heart.

Honour the feelings that you are carrying as a result of the situation. On a piece of paper write the person’s name.

  1. Write a sentence of the feeling that you had to the situation . They are your words, no one else needs to see them, write whatever you feel you need to say.

As you write these words you feel things you don’t want, that’s OK, go with it. Connect with your intention to forgive so that your words are powerfully charged on the paper as you write the words of forgiveness

Here’s one of mine ;

“Mum, I felt angry that you lied to me when I asked you about what you were doing.  I saw you in the mirror… I am willing to forgive you”

2. Continue to write down every feeling that you have carried with you, each time adding, ……I am willing to forgive you.

3. When you feel you captured all of the feelings you have carried take the paper and read aloud each of the sentences, holding your hand on your heart.

4. Take 5 really deep breaths in, breathing in through your nose, filling your lungs until you feel they are at bursting point and release the breath with energy from your mouth, making a hhhhhhhh sound as you do it.

This exercise is intended to release stuck energy, so expect to feel a mix of emotions as you go through it, so allow the emotions to flow.  If you feel like quitting, that’s OK, be kind to yourself, you have made a step forward to acknowledging a desire to change your emotional state.



Exercise 2: Allow yourself to forgive yourself for “wrong doings” you feel you have done to others.

1. Find a quiet space where you can commit to 5 mins of alone time. Set yourself a timer for 3 mins, extending to 5 as you become more practised as it.

2. Bring the image of the person that you want to release the burden of emotion that you carry. Hold the image of the in the forefront of your mind.  Close your eyes and place your hands on your heart

(their name) I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you

(their name) I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you

(their name) I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you

3. Repeat this aloud, feel the energy shift within you as you release the negative feelings that you have carried with you.

4. As you finish this exercise take 5 deep breaths in, breathing in through your nose, filling your lungs until you feel they are at bursting point and release the breath with energy from your mouth making a hhhhhh sound as you do it.

Sent with Love and abundant blessings,

Em x